International or regional conventions
The Republic of Guinea is a member/signatory to the following international or regional Conventions related to cetacean conservation:
- International Whaling Commission (since 2000)
- Convention on Migratory Species (since 1993)
- The Abidjan convention
- Memorandum of Understanding Concerning the Conservation of the Manatee and Small Cetaceans of Western Africa and Macaronesia
Confirmed observations
“The species is documented from a sighting (Cadenat, 1956) and capture (Van Waerebeek et al., 2004) in the Conakry region of southern Guinea. Weir (2015) reported eight sightings from the wider Río Nuñez region of northern Guinea.” An ongoing project, jointly implemented by CCAHD and host, Biotope Guinea, yielded an additional 9 sightings in the wider Río Nuñez region between June 2022 and May 2024, but no sightings during brief boat-based surveys of the waters around Conakry and Boffa (Genov et al. 2024).
Threats and trends
No abundance estimates are available for Guinea, but Bamy et al. (2007) report on bycatch of Sousa teuszii in the Bay of Sangareah, and more recent observations of live animals and strandings have been recorded by various researchers, mostly concentrated around Kamsar Port and the Tristao Islands. Weir (2016) identified a minimum of 47 individuals near Kamsar, and Bamy et al 2021 identified potential threats from fishing activities around the Tristao islands.
Report a sighting or stranding contacting one of the country focal points below. Please see this guide to assist your report!
Aboubacar Sane
Mamoudou SANGARE
Relevant country-specific references
- Bamy, I., K. Van Waerebeek, S. Bah, M. Dia, B. Kaba, N. Keita, and S. Konate. 2010. Species occurrence of cetaceans in Guinea, including humpback whales with southern hemisphere seasonality. Marine Biodiversity Records 3:e48.
- Bamy, I. L., K. Van Waerebeek, S. S. Bah, M. Dia, B. Kaba, N. Keita, S. Konate, and H. Tall. 2006. The cetaceans of Guinea, a first check-list of documented species. SC/58/O15, International Whaling Commission.
Bamy, I. L., A. Djiba, and K. Van Waerebeek. 2021. Recent survey for delphinids at Tristao Islands, Guinea, reinforces concern for bycatches and marine bushmeat use. Preprints (Posted 5 April 2021):16. doi: doi:10.20944/preprints202104.0094.v1
- Collins, T., 2015. Re-assessment of the Conservation Status of the Atlantic Humpback Dolphin (Sousa teuszii), Using the IUCN Red List Criteria. In Advances in marine biology Volume 72, pp. 47-77). Academic Press.
- Genov, T., Malapert, A., Sane, A., Souma, A., Sangare, M., Camara, A.M., Camara, Y.S., Cueto, P., Marc, M., Collins, T., et al. (2024). Atlantic humpback dolphin (Sousa teuszii) in Guinea, West Africa. Document presented to the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission SC/69B/SM/15.
- Van Waerebeek, K., Barnett, L., Camara, A., Cham, A., Diallo, M., Djiba, A., Jallow, A.O., Ndiaye, E., Bilal, A.O. and Bamy, I.L., 2004. Distribution, status, and biology of the Atlantic humpback dolphin, Sousa teuszii (Kukenthal, 1892). Aquatic Mammals, 30(1), pp.56-83.
- Van Waerebeek, K., M. Uwagbae, G. Segniagbeto, I. L. Bamy, and I. Ayissi. 2015. New records of Atlantic humpback dolphin in Guinea, Nigeria, Cameroon and Togo underscore fisheries pressure and generalised marine bushmeat demand. bioRxiv:035337.
- Van Waerebeek, K., M. Uwagbae, G. H. Segniagbeto, I. L. Bamy, and I. Ayissi. 2017. New records of Atlantic humpback dolphin in Guinea, Nigeria, Cameroon and Togo underscore fisheries pressure and generalised marine bushmeat demand. Revue d’Ecologie (Terre et Vie) 72:192-205.
- Weir, C. R. 2015. Photo-identification and habitat use of Atlantic humpback dolphins Sousa teuszii around the Río Nuñez Estuary in Guinea, West Africa. African Journal of Marine Science 37:325-334. doi:
- Weir, C. R., and T. Collins. 2015. A Review of the Geographical Distribution and Habitat of the Atlantic Humpback Dolphin (Sousa teuszii ). In: T. A. Jefferson and B. C. Curry, editors, Advances in Marine Biology Volume 72. Advances in Marine Biology No. Volume 72. Academic Press. p. 79-117.