The CMS Draft Single Species Action Plan for Sousa teuszii receives range country input and endorsement

Participants to the CMS Marine Megafauna week for the Atlantic Coast of Africa, Saly, Sengal.
On September 4th-7th, 2023 several CCAHD partners participated in the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) Marine Megafauna Week for the Atlantic Coast of Africa, hosted in collaboration with the Regional Partnership for the Conservation of the Coastal and Marine Zone (PRCM) and the Government of Senegal. The meeting was organised with the primary intention of providing government representatives from range countries to become familiar with, and provide meaningful input into draft action plans for marine turtles, sharks, aquatic wildmeat and Atlantic humpback dolphins.
Wednesday, September 6th was devoted to discussion of the conservation status and the Draft CMS Single Species Action Plan for the Atlantic humpback dolphin. CCAHD Board member, Maximin Djondo chaired the meeting, and CCAHD General Secretary, Gianna Minton provided presentations on the biology, ecology and conservation status of AHD and an introduction to the draft action plan. While the focus was on government stakeholders who will be asked to endorse the action plans at the next CMS conference of parties in Uzbekistan in February, 2024, a number of technical experts were also invited to the meeting, including CCAHD partners from Gabon, Cameroon, Benin, the Gambia and Senegal.
During a lively on-screen editing session, participating government representatives from 13 of the 19 countries within the AHD range were invited to review the draft plan action-by-action and provide input and feedback. This process led to several clarifications of wording, and the introduction of a few new recommended actions to the plan. The meeting concluded with resounding expressions of commitment to ensure endorsement of the plan in February, but more importantly, to begin taking actions to implement the plan as soon as possible.
The CMS Secretariat presented the CCAHD as a vital partner to support implementation of the plan. The CCAHD was able to distribute infographics and ID guides, and to share information about other resources available on the CCAHD website. CCAHD partners took advantage of the opportunity to meet face to face, and discuss communications strategies as well as to share experience and plan for future collaboration with government stakeholders from their own or neighbouring countries.
The CCAHD would like to thank the Friends of Nuremberg Zoo and a private donor for supporting the participation of three CCAHD partners.
For more information, the CMS summary of the meeting can be found here. This includes the ‘Saly Declaration‘ – a joint call for improved protection of marine megafauna in the region.
CCAHD Social media posts and photos from the meeting can be found here.

Government representatives from 13 of the 19 countries in the Sousa teuszii range were present, providing input to the draft action plan, and pledging a commitment to is implementation.

The CCAHD shared infographics, ID guides, and newly designed and formatted Stranding Protocols with participants.

The CCAHD was presented by the CMS as a vital partner in the implementation of the action plan.

CCAHD partners from Cameroon, the Gambia, Gabon, Benin, and Senegal were able to participate in the meeting.